Free Distillery Handbook

Free Book About Artisan Distilling

Professor Kris Arvid Berglund, Ph.D., provides his excellent book:

Artisan Distilling - A Guide for Small Distilleries

to you for free, as a eBook.

The recent years there has been rapid world wide increase in interest in the production of spirits at smaller, artisan scale. This type of distillation is widely known and practiced in the French and German speaking countries of Europe, but there is a general lack of literature written in English. This book fill this gap and would have cost US$ 100-200 in a book store. Great thanks to Professor Berglund for giving it away for free!

Professor Berglund have helped a lot of micro distilleries to start in USA. He is a Professor at Lulea University in Sweden, which are on the way to be the leading education center in distilling in Northern Europe. He is also Professor at Michigan State University in USA.

Kris Arvid Berglund, Ph.D.
Professor and Division Head
Division of Biochemical and Chemical Process Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering and Geosciences
Lulea University of Technology
SE-971 87 Lulea, Sweden


Kris Arvid Berglund, Ph.D.
University Distinguished Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824 USA

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