TT Turbo Yeast

Temperature Tolerant Turbo Yeast For Distilleries

Temperature Tolerant Turbo Yeast For Distilleries
Product Name: Distillers Yeast (Temperature Tolerant)

Product Code: 7000-7040

Description: Highly temperature tolerant yeast strain blended with complex and refined nutrition, and especially designed for rapid and pure fermentation.

Clean mash taste.
Rapid fermentation rate.
High alcohol yield / low volatile production.
Ferments at temperatures of up to 40°C.

Application: For fermentation of up to 28% pure sucrose solution or equivalent.

Instruction for Use: Add to sugar solution and stir.

Ingredient Declaration: Yeast, Yeast nutrition.

Suggested dosage: 3.6 kg per 1000 liters.

Safety Data: Do not breathe dust.

Packaging: 25 kg in sacks.

Shelf Life / Storage: 3 years in original closed packaging stored in a refrigerator. Once opened, ensure packing is properly re-sealed and stored in a refrigerator - use within 3 months. At 25°C, store for 18-24 months maximum. At 30°C, 6 months.


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