Merlot Wine Yeast

Product Name: Merlot wine yeast.

Product Code: 02YST009STR

Appearance: Light tan granular powder.

Relative Density: 0.6 g/ml

Description: A strain of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae that produces distinctive full-bodied Merlot wines with a smooth fruity character. Probably the best strain world wide for Merlot wines.

Alcohol tolerance: 14% v/v.
Glycerol production: 5 g/L.
Low production of volatile acids.
Viability: >1.0x 1010/g.
Wild yeast:: <1 per million.
Total bacteria: <5 per million.

Application: For the fermentation of Merlot wines.

Suggested Dosage: 100 g per 1000 liters of must if our General Wine Nutrients are used, otherwise use 200 g.

Ingredient Declaration: Yeast.

Instructions for use: Sprinkle onto surface of must and let stand for 15 minutes before stirring.

Safety data: Non-hazardous. Do not breathe dust.

Shelf Life / Storage: 2 years stored in original packaging below 25°C.

Shipping Information: Tariff Code: 2106.9098

Nutrients needed:
General Wine nutrients. To ensure 100% proper function, do not use nutrients from other suppliers.

Packaging: 10 kg in polyethylene aluminium bags.

Tariff Code: 2106.9098

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